Carbfix Mineralization Summit returns for a 2nd edition on 12-13 September, 2024 in Reykjavík, Iceland and online!
Register HERE to the 2024 Summit!
About the Carbfix Mineralization Summit
Carbfix Mineralization Summit is an event focused on carbon capture and storage technologies.
The purpose of the summit is to bring together experts, policymakers, industry leaders, academics, students and other stakeholders to share the latest research and developments in mineralization, and to facilitate discussions and collaborations around this important topic.
The Summit will also be a platform for EU and US-based stakeholders to connect and exchange valuable inputs on this matter.
One of the main goals of the Carbfix Mineralization Summit is to promote awareness and engagement around mineralization technologies, which have a critical role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating the impacts of climate change. The summit provides a platform to discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with their deployment.
Carbfix Mineralization Summit 2024
Complete List of Speakers
We are proud to announce the esteemed cohort of speakers who will join us at the Carbfix Mineralization Summit 2024!
- Aaron Vande Linde, Director, School Trust Lands
- Benedicte Caroline Storebø, Business Development Advisor, Northern Lights JV
- Caroline Braun, Teamlead for Business Development and Carbon Removal at Landwärme
- Casie Davidson, Manager of Carbon Management and Fossil Energy Market Sector, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
- Chiara Marieni, Program Manager of Commercial Studies, Carbfix
- Christopher Consoli, Principal Consultant for CO2 Storage, CCS Projects and Database Management at the Global CCS Institute
- Chris Davies, Director at CCS Europe
- Chris Sherwood, Secretary General at Negative Emissions Platform
- Claire Nelson, Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer, Cella Mineral Storage
- Daniel Sutter, Vice President Storage & Energy Solutions at Climeworks
- Despoina Tsimprikidou, Policy Officer, CCS Association
- Einar Þorsteinsson, Mayor of The City of Reykjavik
- Edda Aradóttir, CEO at Carbfix
- Floris Mackor, Vice President, Large Industries and Strategy CCS at Air Liquide
- Friedel Pretorius, Co-Founder/ Head of MRV, Absolute Climate
- Giana Amador, Executive Director at Carbon Removal Alliance
- Greeshma Gadikota, Assistant Professor at Cornell University
- Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson , Iceland's Minister of the Environment, Energy and Climate
- Ingvild Syvertsen, Head of Marketing and Commercial Operations, Aker Carbon Capture
- Joana Vieira Duarte, Carbon Project Developer at neustark
- Juerg Matter, Scientific Advisor at 44.01
- Kári Helgason, Head of Research and Innovation, Carbfix
- Kristinn Ingi Lárusson, Chief Commercial & Business Officer, Carbfix
- Lee Beck, Senior Director for Europe and Middle East at Clean Air Task Force
- Madalyn Blondes, Head of North American Project Development and Stakeholder Relations, Carbfix
- Marco Mazzotti, Professor, ETH Zürich
- Marina Sofos, Enhanced Mineralization Program Manager at U.S. DOE
- Mats Rongved, Advisor, Bellona
- Michael Leitch, Technical Lead, XPRIZE Carbon Removal
- Nana Bule, Board Chair at Carbfix
- Oliver Geden, Head of Research Cluster Climate Policy and Politics & Senior Fellow at German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) and Vice-Chair of Working Group III, IPCC
- Rachel Fletcher, Vice President, EMEA Sustainability Research, Morgan Stanley
- Sævar Freyr Þráinsson, CEO at Orkuveitan
- Sandra Ósk Snæbjörnsdóttir, Chief Scientist at Carbfix
- Selin Goren, Research Analyst, Carbon Containment Lab
- Shaun O'Connor, Senior Geologist, Deep Sky
- Taufeeq Dhansay, Manager of Minerals and Energy Division, Council for Geoscience, South Africa
- Todd Schaef, Chief Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Vikram Vishal, Professor, Indian Institute of Technology
- Vikrum Aiyer, Head of Global Public Policy, Heirloom
- William Gallin,Senior Environmental Geologist, GSI Environmental Inc.
- Þorgerður M Þorbjarnardóttir, Chairperson at Landvernd
Final Agenda - Note: Time zone is GMT.
Day 1 - September 12th, Thursday
📍 Venue: Harpa Conference Centre & Gamla Bío Theatre
8:30 Registration and Breakfast
9:00 Summit Opening: Edda Aradottir, CEO of Carbfix and Einar Þorsteinsson, Mayor of Reykjavík City
9:30 Mineralization: A Climate Solution Ready for Scale-up: Kári Helgason, Carbfix
10:00 The Global Status of Carbon Capture and Storage: A Storage Perspective. Chris Consoli, Global CCS Institute
10:30 Updates on the U.S. Department of Energy’s Carbon Management Strategy and Vision for Innovations in Enhanced Mineralization: Marina Sofos, U.S. Department of Energy
11:00 Coffee break
11:15 Chris Davies, CCS Europe
11:45 Panel: Environmental Justice & Community Benefits
- Þorgerður María Þorbjarnardóttir, Landvernd
- Micheal Leitch, XPRIZE
- Todd Schaef, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Aaron Vande Linde, Minnesota Office of School Trust Lands
Moderator: William Gallin, GSI Environmental Inc.
12:30 Lunch
13:15 Oliver Geden, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) & IPCC
13:45 Panel: Market Drivers for Mineralization Projects
- Giana Amador, Carbon Removal Alliance
- Chris Sherwood, NEP Secretary General
- Despoina Tsimprikidou, CCS Association
- Rachel Fletcher, Morgan Stanley
Moderator: Nana Bule, Carbfix
14:30 Coffee break
14:45 Pathways Towards Commercialization: Chiara Marieni, Carbfix
15:00 Emerging International Mineralization Projects
Various short presentations from different speakers (6x10 min per presentation) (in-situ?)
- 6x10min Dynamic Presentations from Selected Presenters
- Carbon Mineralization at Deep Sky: du concept au forage au Québec. Shaun O’Connor, Deep Sky Climate
- Field-testing a novel injection strategy for in situ mineralization: Claire Nelson, Cella
- Mineralization Opportunities in the United States: Todd Schaef, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Assessment of mineralization potential in Sahyadri Group of the Deccan basalts, India: Vikram Vishal, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)
- Building a Carbon-Negative Future: Innovations in Mineralization and Services. Joana Vieira Duarte, neustark
- Teaching an old basalt new tricks: Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage in South Africa. Taufeeq Dhansay, Council for Geoscience, South Africa
16:15/16:30 Closing of Day One
16:30-19:00 Meeting Rooms at Harpa available for private meetings
19:30 Networking reception at Gamla Bío Theatre Addressed by Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson, Minister of the Environment, Energy and Climate
Day 2 - September 13th, Friday
📍 Venue: Harpa Conference Centre; Carbfix Operation Sites & Hellisheiði Geothermal Plant and Exhibition
8:30 Registration and Breakfast
9:00 New Frontiers in Unlocking Value Through Geological Carbon Mineralization: Greeshma Gadikota, Cornell University
9:30 Deep Dive: The Rocky Road to Scaling Climate Solutions
- Vikrum Aiyer, Heirloom
- Sandra Ósk Snæbjörnsdóttir, Carbfix
- Juerg Matter, Chief Scientific Officer, 44.01
- Daniel Sutter, Climeworks
Moderator: Madalyn Blondes, Carbfix
10:30 Coffee break
10:45 Lightning Rounds: Different Approaches to Enable Project Implementation
- Casie Davidson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Demystifing MRV: Friedel Pretorius, Absolute Climate
- Disconnected realities: Policies vs. Projects: Lee Beck, Clean Air Task Force
- Unexpected alliances: Youth Climate Action and CDR. Selin Goren, Carbon Containment Lab
11:30 A perspective on the role of mineral carbonation in mitigating climate change: Marco Mazzotti
12:00 Panel: Europe's Megatonne Transport and Storage Terminals
- Benedicte Caroline Storebø, Northern Lights JV
- Caroline Braun, Landwärme
- Floris Mackor, Air Liquide
- Ingvild Syvertsen, Aker Carbon Capture
Moderator: Kristinn Ingi Lárusson, Carbfix
12:45 Closing of the conference program
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Transportation awaits in front of Harpa for fieldtrips to Carbfix and Climeworks Operation Sites
16:30 Closing Reception at Hellisheiði Geothermal Power Plant Addressed by Sævar Freyr Þráinsson, CEO of Reykjavík Energy
18:30 & 19:30 (Two staggered times) Transportation back to Reykjavík
Note: The agenda is subject to changes.
Discounts and Special Rates 2024
The Reykjavík EDITION Hotel offers Summit delegates special rates for rooms via this LINK.
Furthermore, the Reykjavík EDITION Hotel is pleased to offer 10% discount on outlets for all delegates during the Carbfix Mineralization Summit. These outlets include:
- TIDES Restaurant
- Tölt
- The Roof Bar
- Lobby Bar
These discounts will be in effect from September 11th-14th. To receive this discount, delegates simply need to provide their badges upon paying.
Carbfix Mineralization Summit 2023
The first edition of the Carbfix Mineralization Summit took place on September 14-15, 2023 at Harpa Conference Centre in Reykjavík, Iceland.
Our 2023 line-up included:
- Anu Khan, Carbon180
- Casie Davidson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
- Edda Aradóttir, Carbfix
- Eve Tamme, Climate Principles
- Jack Andreasen, Breakthrough Energy
- Klaus Lackner, Arizona State University (ASU)
- Sarah Forbes, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
- Sigurður R. Gíslason, University of Iceland
- Talal Hasan, 44.01
- Todd Schaef, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
...and more!
Towards the end of the 2023 summit, over 120 participants, listed below, signed a statement highlighting the need for large-scale subsurface mineralization of CO2 to combat the climate crisis. You can download a PDF of the statement here.
All summit participants, both onsite and online, were consulted on the wording of a draft and subsequently given the opportunity to sign the final version.